The Royal Botanical Garden- A Visual Story

Peradeniya Royal Botanical Garden is one of the most magnificent gardens in Sri Lanka. Known for its massive collection of orchids. the garden includes more than 4000 species of plants, from orchids, spices, medicinal plants and palm trees to bamboo, fernery, and cacti, The royal Garden is The largest botanical garden in asia.


The origins of the Botanic Gardens date as far back as 1371 when King Wickramabahu III ascended the throne and kept court at Peradeniya near the Mahaweli river. This was followed by King Kirti Sri and King Rajadhi Rajasinghe. A temple was built on this location by King Wimala Dharma, but it was destroyed by the British when they were given control over the Kingdom of Kandy. Thereafter, the groundwork for a botanical garden was formed by Alexandar Moon in 1821. He used the garden for coffee and cinnamon plants. 

The Botanical Garden at Peradeniya was formally established in 1843 with plants brought from Kew Garden, Slave Island, Colombo, and the Kalutara Garden in Katura. The garden came under the administration of the Department of Agriculture when it was established in 1912. (more info here)

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You can spend a couple of hours or a couple of days at the Royal Botanical Garden basking in all the aesthetically pleasing beauty it has to offer. Over 60 acres, the garden offers a tram for people that do not want to walk. I HIGHLY recommend spending at least a couple of hours walking and taking in all greenery, as its one of the largest botanical gardens in the world.

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Like most places in Sri Lanka, the Royal Botanical Gardens has a fee for Sri Lankans and Tourist.

Entrance Fee for Overseas Tourist

  • Adult & child (older than 12) 1500(Rs)-$8.00

  • Child (younger than 12)  750(Rs)-$4.00

  • School & University Student (Must have proof) 1000(Rs)-$5.50

for more information click here