I dreamed it! I breathed it! Now I'm living it

I dreamed it, I breathed it, Now Iā€™m living it!


I dreamed about living in Abu Dhabi. What it would be like?  Would I love it!?  Would I miss home!? Would I meet new friends!? 


I'm only a month in but I love it!!! I know this is the honeymoon stage, I hope it never ends! So much has happened in the last month and life has moved so fast!!!


July 19, 2016  I received an email from my future employer.

It gave me 48 hours to get my shit together and get TF out of America like the Israelites leaving Egypt.


Would you go?

I questioned moving to Abu Dhabi. I mean, I only had 48 hours to pack my apartment up, pack my bags for the plane, find places for my cat and dog to live AND say goodbyes!?!?

When I embarked on my journey to working in the Middle East everything was easy up to this point, when I had to choose between staying or leaving.

I was tired of teaching in VA,  paying rent that increased every year and not traveling the world. I knew moving to the middle east would change all of that! 

I Immediately googled everything I could find on teaching in UAE. I found several recruiting agencies offering fabulous packages to teachers who simply wanted a change in their career. I also found support in the facebook groups dedicated to current and prospective teachers in UAE.  

 I applied to a private school and had a phone interview but no call back. I refused to give up on my dreams and applied to the public sector for schools in Abu Dhabi. I was offered a second interview, I took a long weekend from my current teaching job at the time in Richmond, VA  and drove the 5 hours to NYC.

That was one of the best decisions I made to date!

I was offered the position and here I am now!


What do I love most!?

The people!! I'm just soaking up everybody I've met, from my students to the taxi drivers. I just want to know everything about everybody, the good and the bad!!! I want to know traditions, cultures, opinions and all things food! I have soo many stories and I've neglected to share them.

Heres a list of the highlights of my first couple of months...

  • Chocolate Zadddddy who turned out to be a midget liar

  • Perfect beards EVERYWHERE, what dreams are made of?

  • I can be sexy and only show minimal skin?! I've never felt soo feminine and gorgeous!

  • Zane is as close as I can get to porn.

  • Deportation is real and not what my pockets are made of.

  • I'm not mixed! Stop asking me................................................................FUCK!

  • Where are all the camels!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

  • Seriously!? Am I falling in love with teaching!?!? Once again.. Who TF do I think I am!?! A teacher!!?!?!!