The Castle Experience: Montserrat, Spain

A wine tour in the gorgeous mountains of Spain!? 


This summer I booked a solo tour to Spain that included the cities of Barcelona and Madrid. There was no way I could leave Spain without a tour of the beautiful wineries in the wine country surrounding Barcelona.

On board a bus with strangers, I begin the journey to Montserrat. The views going up to Montserrat were absolutely  gorgeous! " Montserrat"  literally means "saw" which describes the serrated peaks.

There are two theories of how Montserrat and the deep valleys below it formed. The elderly locals believe it was angels who divided the mountain into two parts and carved it with their golden saws. The other theory is science, where it is believed that Montserrat was once an ocean and the peaks and valleys are a result of erosion as well as the ocean drying up.

What do you believe!? God or Science? 

Views of Montserrat from the highway

Views of Montserrat from the highway

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The St. Micheals cross

The St. Micheals cross

On arrival, I began a  guided tour of the basilica and monastery before enjoying some free time to explore independently. I opted to hike from the monastery to the St. Michaels cross which takes about 30mins up and 10-20mins down if you're late and  run like I did! Smh!  I highly suggest wearing comfortable shoes and clothing especially in summer as it was very hot.

Ahhh, The fresh air and views from the cross were incredible! 

Inside the bascilica

Inside the bascilica

The path to the cross

The path to the cross

Views from the cross

Views from the cross

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Monsterrat Valley

Monsterrat Valley



After the tour of the Basilica and Monastery, we headed to the vineyards for wine and tapas!!!!!

Upon arrival to Oller del Mas winery we were taken on a beautiful tour of the vineyards and castle. Oller del Mas winery just happens to be a restored 10th century castle (Yes! a REAL castle) that has been owned by the same family for thirty-six generations. 

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The castle

The castle

I had the opportunity to try three traditional wines from D.O. Pla de Bages, the wine region at the feet of the Montserrat range.

The wine was accompanied by a selection of traditional tapas, handmade with seasonal ingredients from the area.

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Salad, olives, cheese, Tuna on bread and Spanish omelette ...

Salad, olives, cheese, Tuna on bread and Spanish omelette ...

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Don't be afraid to be the only one..

Don't be afraid to be the only one..

Tips from Rainey Amore....

  • Book in advance! During the peak season, the prices increase closer to the dates and space is limited! You can book thru many sites including Trip Advisor and The Castle Experience website

  • The tour leaves from Plaza Catalunya, one of the main hubs of Barcelona.

  • Wear comfortable clothes and walking shoes.

  • They cater to any dietary allergies or restrictions.

  • The wine prices vary and are 10-15 euros and up.

  • Have fun!!!

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