How to Pass The Time While Avoiding the Coronavirus Outbreak

The coronavirus outbreak has hit my city and i’m on a self-imposed QUARANTINE, what should I do to pass the time?

Daily, almost hourly there are new reports of cities, states or countries shutting down due to the coronavirus outbreak. Countries like Italy, UAE, Iran and China have shut down schools, large events and asked people not to travel in or out of their countries while engaging in SOME TYPE of self-quarantine. Are you wondering what to do while the rest of the world is going into full doomsday mode stocking up on mask, hand sanitizer and non-perishable foods?

Here are some things you can do to keep yourself busy while the world comes to a complete standstill trying to control the COVID-19 virus outbreak.

  1. Get a head start on your spring cleaning and organizing

    This is the perfect time to go into full Marie Kondo mode. If it doesn’t spark you joy, let it go. Take the time to do a thorough deep cleaning of your home, car and office. Donate those clothes you haven’t worn in over 6 months to charity and throw away that expired makeup and beauty products. You can do it yourself or hire a company to do it for you. Deep cleaning will boost your mental health, help prevent the virus from spreading and also encourage you to enjoy your time in your newly cleaned and organized space.

  2. Try new recipes

    What better time to get in the kitchen!? With sanitation issues being at an all time high, why not cook your own food so you know exactly how it is prepared and handled? It will help you avoid crowded restaurants and save money. Have no idea where to start, has compiled a list of 20 new recipes to try in 2020.

  3. Finally start the project YOU'VE been waiting to do

    If you’re like me, you’ve been putting off several projects all year long due to the busy schedule of day to day life. Its time for us to finally go full speed ahead on those projects and goals we set for 2020. Now is the time to start the blog, YouTube channel, photography business or fashion line you’ve always had dreams of doing.

  4. Do at home workouts

    Since gyms are notorious to be crawling with germs, why not try some at home workouts? Youtube, Pinterest, Instagram and several apps like Yoga Studio: Mind & Body, Keelo and Nike+ Training Club have at home workouts for all fitness levels. Now that I have extra time on my hand, I decided to ditch my apartment gym and do at home yoga workouts. It has helped me feel more relaxed and stress free while appreciating my body and home more.

  5. Catch up on all your shows

    While you’re chillin at home getting your Marie Kondo and at home workout on you might as well catch up on the latest shows! Netflix has been on and popping lately with new shows and movies. The new cult favorite show “Love is Blind” has had social media buzzing the last couple of weeks as well as other Netflix originals like “The Trial of Gabriel Fernandez” and “Who Killed Malcom X.” If you’re all caught up on your Netflix binges, series like “Get Away With Murder” and “RuPaul’s Drag Race” are back and messier than ever. Who doesn’t love a little drama!

  6. Detox your mind, body and space

    If all this uproar from COVID-19 virus outbreak has you on edge, take a detox break from social media and any other people, places or things that are causing you stress. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the talk of this virus outbreak will die down anytime soon, don’t be afraid to unplug to protect your energy and mental health. Take some time off from work, turn off the news, get off social media, light some candles, burn some sage, get your Florida water and center your energy.

  7. Invest your money

    Since long term rates have fallen to an all time low in the U.S, now is a good time to “put some cash to work” or increase your contribution to your 401(k). Stock market analyst don’t know the full effects of the COVID-19 virus, but they do know that during other recent crises, stocks have generated positive returns. Many investment pros are urging investors to stay calm and take full advantage of the drastic changes in the stock market worldwide, but be strategic about it. Reevaluate your portfolio and consider adding to your investment portfolio or work with an investment advisor to find out what’s best for your finances moving forward ( Whatever you decide to do, make sure you do your research.

    What are you doing to pass the time on your self-imposed QUARANTINE break?