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Switzerland: A Visual Story

In the summer of 2018, I embarked on a 14 day European classic tour with Expat Explorer. During the 14 day tour we spent 2 days in the gorgeous city of Engleburg, Switzerland.  

Things to know when traveling to Switzerland.....

  • Swiss franks (CHF) is the currency. Switzerland is not part of the European Union. Since the country has its own currency, it’s a good idea to take out a small amount of cash when you arrive to use for emergencies. You can use a credit or debit card at most places. If you use Euros or USD they will give you change in Swiss franks.

  • Switzerland is expensive as hell!!! A small bottle of water can cost almost 10 dollars! Drink tap water

  • It's not as cold as it looks in the summer. A sweater or light jacket is ok.

  • Keep in mind the altitude. The higher you go up, the thinner the air.

  • Switzerland has a great transit system. Get the Swiss Pass, that covers unlimited travel “throughout the rail, bus and boat Swiss Travel System network.”

  • Try the cheese! But it must be refrigerated if you plan to take it home. (Don't forget to check the custom rules for your country.)

  • Lastly, The cows are happier in Switzerland.

Hotel Hoheneck Engelberg

The views from the hotel room were stunning. Rooms were very quaint and clean. Wonderful service and the hotel dinner was tasty!

(Photos from hotel website)

Enjoy Engleburg thru my eyes....